N Rodeo Dr, Beverly Hills, CA
“New Moons”
Cavallerizza Reale, Turin Italy
COPELAND GALLERY “Paterfamilias”
“New Moons”
Dynevor Pl, Swansea Wales
CASA AZUL “Blessing of Ruins”Gordola, Switzerland
“Virgins on the Cross”
Bristol United Kingdom

YSL Fanzine + Exhibition. Saint Laurent Rive Droite, Los Angeles 2024
FFOTO CYMRU Wales International Festival, Ffotogallery commission Cardiff + Wrexham 2024
Photographer's Companion Magazine - China Publication and interview 2024
Photo London x Hahnemühle Student Award 2024
Casa Azul - Solo exhibition- “Blessing of Ruins” 2023/2024
British Journal Photography, 2023 article publication of the project “New Moons”
WUL Magazine publication, 2023
FRESH EYES Talents 2023, GUP Magazine
Yogurt Magazine 2023 - “New Moons” publication
Liquida Photofestival, Turin 2023
SERCHIA Gallery, Bristol 2023
Picnic on Sea, St. Leonards on Sea 2023
LCB Depot Film 2023 as part of FORMAT23, Leicester 2023
Alan Whatley Prize - Stiwdio Griffith, 2023 Swansea
Selected for XIV Florence Biennale 2023
Selected for Rome International Art Fair 2023
RPS - Royal Photography Society - Women in Photography “A Multifaceted View” Shortlisted 2023
#4 WerkHaus Zine publication - 2023
Selected by Sola Journal - “and still I rise” collaborative zine - 2023
Glynn Vivian “Swansea Open 2023”
FFOCWS - Ffotogallery, 2022 Cardiff (4th Nov - 17 Dec) Extended till 14th January 2023
Estron - Copeland Gallery London, 2022
Estron - Dynevor Campus Swansea, 2022
Surrealism Beyond Borders - TATE Modern, London 2022
Swansea Open - Glynn Vivian Gallery Swansea, 2022
Echo - College Street Gallery Swansea, 2022
Soft Anatomy - Volcano Theatre Swansea “Et Ventis Adversis”, 2021 Existence - Creative Bubble Swansea, 2022
Confined, The House of Small, 2022
Reaction - Creative Bubble Swansea, 2022
Opusculus - College Street Studios- Elysium Gallery Swansea, 2020
ChangeMakers Elysium Gallery Venue, High Street Swansea, 2021
ChangeMakers Creativity and Value Creation, 2020 Virtual Exhibition Develop a Unique Voice, 2020 Online Presentation
Books- Publications- Features- Curations
PARIS PHOTO - CARTE BLANCHE STUDENTS 2022 within 20 finalists
Holy Duality - Photo Book, 2021
“SOLA Journal” Takeover, 2022
“Soft Anatomy” Promo Graphics, 2021
Welsh Heritage Jazz Archive, 2021
Echo, College Street Gallery, 2022 Exhibition & Space Curation
Pianeta Arizona Feature “Suspended Egg” - 2022
Head to the hills, Carys John, 2022 (Publication)
Source Graduate Showcase, 2022
Femlens Platform 2022
“Représentations énigmatiques, images métaphoriques ou symboliques, souvent nuancées par des teintes de gris… Au premier abord, les images de l’artiste italienne interrogent, surprennent par le surréalisme cynique qu’elles convoquent. Si la lecture peut sembler épineuse – les images invitent les regardeur·euses à se poster dans une attitude réflexive afin de découvrir leur sens – « [s]on but est de transporter l’essence de ce qu’[elle a] absorbé, en offrant aux spectateurs une expérience immersive qui dépasse les limites de l’imagerie explicite ». Cette première opacité à laquelle nous sommes confronté·es, face aux œuvres de l’autrice s’explique par l’intérêt qu’elle porte depuis toujours au mystère.”
Fisheye Magazine
“La serie Paterfamilias ha rappresentato un lungo percorso, formativo sia artisticamente che in termini personali, di introspezione, riparazione interiore, e per onesta’ direi anche come manifestazione di rabbia covata, che durante il percorso si e’ dissipata, e che soprattutto voleva fornire una visione esaustiva del fenomeno con una precisa funzione documentaristica.
Attraverso di esso ho cercato di affrontare molteplici dinamiche senza soffermarmi su un unico aspetto, ma ramificando e toccando più problematiche di quello che e’ un argomento vasto e complesso. New Moons nasce come desiderio di andare oltre, di manifestare attraverso la mia pratica la mia visione del futuro, un messaggio attivista che vuole essere una voce incoraggiante e sostituire il senso di smarrimento e vulnerabilita’ di una donna annientata da un ambiente domestico tossico con la resistenza ed il concreto riscatto sociale”
“Ada Marino, although not making the violence explicit through images, is able to evoke it with specific gestures, positions or behaviors. A man’s hand grips a woman’s hair; in another shot he forcefully holds a bird, preventing it from breathing. Broken dishes are stowed a sideboard, milk overflows from a glass.
Ada Marino is able to convey disquiet where there might not be any, as in the case of overflowing milk, managing to strike at those universally dramatic gestures.
“The photographer’s new work metabolizes this hardship, emerging with a fizzy, resilient energy. “New Moons symbolizes the phase of maturation and identity growth as fruit of an experience of domestic oppression,” Marino explains. “It is the construction on the rubbles caused by Paterfamilias. It is the sequel; a continuation and the rebirth of the protagonists’ story whose main imperative is a call for action.” With the female experience at the heart of each of her projects, Marino has always drawn deeply on her own life to guide her practice and push back against the conservative, male-dominated environment she was raised in. The “awakening” she describes between the two projects speaks to the power of photography as a tool to process and reclaim our own narratives—and its importance as a medium of subversion in the struggle for gender equity”
“New Moons conjures a stronger sense of the supernatural than the previous work, including images that are eerie, almost ghostly, and weaving moments of girlhood with religious iconography to create a visual language akin to a Hollywood exorcism. These qualities are not incidental. Marino’s images represent different and fluctuating emotional states, she says, echoing writer Betty Friedan’s “problem that has no name” – the elusive, invisible and intangible feminine mystique.”
British Journal of Photography
“Touch the future: outstanding student photographers – in pictures”
The Guardian
“Artist and mother Ada Marino, in her poetic and surrealist photographs depict the nature of motherhood as a passage for women, a unique and privileged yet constraining position. The complexity of its implication in a society still dominated by patriarchy. Considered as a role/goal for women it is also vastly overlooked and used to lock them into one role. For her, motherhood is also a bond between two people, a mother and a child a constant push and pull. Sometimes getting them closer to each other, sometimes pushing them away from each other, this thread keeps tangling and untangling itself through the care, through the fights, through the laughs and through the tears. The two beings almost become one.”
继《一家之父》(Paterfamilias)之后,意大利摄影师艾达·马里诺(Ada Marino )再度把目光聚焦于女性领域,创作了超现实主义的作品《新月》(New Moons)。以略带诡异气氛的影像,将心中长久以来的被压抑的不满,通过幽灵般的作品抒发出来。《新月》既是结束,也是新生,蕴含着抵抗压迫的勇气,展示着女性心中无形的韧性,刻画着对于平等未来的期望。
Photographers’ Companion Magazine China

New Moons
New Moons
The transmutation of resistance and perseverance for a conscious, solid, social new identity